Its time to kick off the 2024 F3 Blue Ridge Winter Challenge!

Winter Challenge Poster Image


To commit to F3 Blue Ridge and your fellow PAX to live out the three Fs: Fellowship, Fitness, and Faith during the frigid winter months. We have designed this three-month-long commitment to be a challenge, but don’t be intimidated. Embrace the suck with your brothers, get better, and earn a shirt only a select few will ever be able to wear.


January 1st through March 31st.


$25 – You will earn a custom F3 Blue Ridge shirt designed by Raphael himself once you complete the requirements of the Challenge. We will donate the funds of those who do not meet the Challenge to the F3 Blue Ridge Community Outreach Fund.

You can submit payment three ways:

PayPal: @F3BlueRidge (Christopher Bennett)
Venmo: @F3BlueRidge (Christopher Bennett)

Cash: Email our region’s treasure Hoff

Shirt Size Submission Form


Accumulate 55 points over the 91 days, and you will receive the shirt.


(minimum requirements in each F)

FIRST F – (30 – point minimum)

  • 1 Point for posting at workout
  • 2 Points for Q-ing a workout
  • 1 Point for bringing an FNG to a workout (you will receive a bonus point once your FNG makes his 3rd post during the Challenge)
  • 1 Point for completing 100 burpees in a day during MABA

5 Points for F3 Capital OR F3 Blue Ridge events

  • ARC
  • Shanigames

SECOND F – (5 Point Minimum)

  • 1 Point for attending Coffeeteria.
  • 1 Point for attending a social gathering of 5+ PAX.

THIRD F – (5 Point Minimum)

  • 1 Point for attending a 3F event
  • 1 Point for donating blood* 1 Point for donating clothes
  • 2 Points for donating plasma

To enter points, please use the Google form here. For any comment, questions or general info hit up the #winter-challenge Slack channel. With that, get on out there, show up, bring your FNGs, have fun, and get those numbers across the region! Aye!

Log Points Now
